Will you Drive a TRUCK when you have a CAR?

A young man was giving the option to drive between a long truck and a classic saloon car? Which do you think he is likely to go for without a second thought?

Naturally, without much analysis, he will opt for an easy way to life, guess what he will eventually drive? You guessed right, a cool ride! 

Are there really any difference?
Here is what it takes to drive a long TRUCK:
With a long Truck, the driver must be ready to hold a wider steering wheel with all his might, strength and vital energy. He must be ready to drag the luxurious weight of the lengthy truck all through its journey.

Driving to the helpless driver becomes a lifelong pain he must endure till he drops the keys to the truck!

What does it take to drive a cool RIDE
With a cool ride, a driver have nothing to worry about. Driving is fun, he accelerates with pure pleasure, he runs without fear, he turns the steering wheel with the greatest ease. 

He drives as swift as possible, he overtakes without leaving a trace and all the experience is EXTREME FUN! 

The drivers lifespan tends to be longer, he looks healthier due to less stress and he feels good and most importantly, he feels very very happy anytime to drive again!
Similarly, a wife who is as large as a BIG TRUCK, is making life unbearable for the helpless husband because, each time he manages to drive her around, it is one hell of serious torture! The man struggles to drive her and the moment they reach final bus stop together, the husband will be glad to throw her off, not that he hates her, but he HATES the fact that he has to go through suffering just because he wants to drive!

No wonder, some married men call their wives who are too large, bag of trash bin, well, not because they mean it, but because they want to torture them emotionally to lose weight. 

How is it like with a wife with an ideal and trendy weight? 
The husband joyfully and happily drives her, anywhere they go, through the parking lot, in the airport, in the clouds, over the moon and everywhere they blow their horn because life is sweeter not with MTN  but with a trendy wife looking fly! 

Now, a wife who is overweight who says "my husband is not complaining, he loves me the way i am" . The question is, is that REALLY true? Will a married man be happy to embrace pain of excess trailer load of a wife? The fact your husband is NOT complaining doesn't mean that he enjoys the mental torture! 

Even is a muscular man, he will prefer to go to gym and lift some dumbbells than lift a trailer load wife all through his life. 

And do you know what is more? 
A married woman who is not bothered about her excess weight is gradually giving her husband the permission to seek for a less stressful drive. Before you know it, her loyal husband who can not endure it any longer start fantasizing about a trendy wife, and before you know it, he begins seeing them in the real world around him.

So, the moment he starts telling you he is not in the mood, from month 1 to month 10, at several advances you made, know deep down that, that is the tragic result of the price you pay for thinking  "my husband is not complaining, he loves me the way i am".     

Now what will you do NEXT?
You need a solution! A solution that has helped thousands of wives to save their marriage and YOU CAN SAVE YOURS too!

With a 9 DAYS Weight loss package, you are set on a clean path to a healthy lifestyle that help you stay free from the extra large world and most importantly helps you save your Marriage!

Remain Healthy,

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